Three major factors of payment processor
Before make agreement and integration a payment gateways on your online products store or shop you must think, know and justify some (three)very basic factors to make your business in the definition of E-commerce.
Basic three issues are:
1. Transaction Fees
2. Cards types
3. payment gateway types (hosted or shared)
1.Transaction Fees:
Definitely you have to such type of payment processor company who offer the lowest transaction fees per sell ( very low percentage charge of product prices for each transaction ). Since You are running business to get profit by successful buy and selling procedure with reasonable prices and transaction through your online shop. But when payment process will cut high charge for buy to any customer then he/she will loss interest shop on your store. Similarly you have to think your side of transaction cost as low as possible which will increase your profits.
Do Finally we have reached points, are:
- The lowest percentage charge per products sale
- Fast fees calculation & updates report and
- Very secure procedure and charge recurring facilities for both customer & business man.etc
2.Cards types:
Since people are using several types debit or credit cards, you have to know about what type of cards are your payment gateway company is receiving . So chose that one which can accept the most of the popular cards to access your online products store.
3.Payment gate way types (hosted or shared)
You should know the facilities and benefits of Hosted payment gateways in which customer can complete products order on form payment ( only single form not to go another web pages). That why is also known as ON FORM PAYMENT Gateways.
*** Next Article: How to and why do you choose a payment gateways
***Previous Article: Online payment gateways classification based payable form integration
Payments Gateway in Qatar are thus becoming important tools in progress of on line transaction or other form of electronic transaction. There are always security concerns when a transaction is done online.